Sunday, May 31, 2009

Frogging = basketcase

OK. This super fab silk yarn, I didn't realise how little two skeins was... something like 300 yds.
I started it in feather and fan pattern, but about halfway through the first ball, it was only like twelve inches long :( So it was frogged and made about half as wide. Its a modified basketweave. I'm calling it my Basket Case scarf.

Let's hope this is gonna work this time!

Click the picture for a better view...
Edit: now I find this... how cool is that? I can't decide!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Okay so, remember this? My super decadent silk yarn jumped onto some needles tonight.

It turned out to be neither or those.

Seems that it wanted to be made into feather and fan scarf instead.

It also refuses to take a good pic tonight... maybe tomorrow if the sun comes out.
Quilt along blocks for the week... and a few of my faves. It is so fun and bright. I still think the navy and orange block might be my favorite so far.

The ONLY way I am able to keep up on the one a day.

Cut out a week's worth at a time.

Oh look. Yarn on sock needles again.
Clearly I have lost my mind.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Woo Hoo!

Finished socks.

Exaclty one week, start to finish.

Cast on this time last Saturday.

Now time to weave in ends, and get them mailed.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Cause I don't have enough stuff started yet!

This made with these -------->

Check it out.

Second sock, in progress. Didn't I say something about not knitting socks anymore? Clearly that must have been someone else...

My goal is still to finish and mail them by the end of the weekend. Looks like I'm about half way through the top portion.

Meanwhile, the purple sweater keeps calling my name.

Enough blogging, there's knitting to do!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Darn it

Ta-Da! One finished sock. Sunday to Wednesday. Not to shabby!

Only one problem, on the heel turn, this side ended up with a rather large gap.

so a little darning, and voila - no more gap! And now, time to do it all over again... my goal is to have them done by next Sunday and in the mail on Monday.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sometimes I impress myself

Look what I did this weekend!
I started this yesterday.

It's Patons' Kroy yarn, and the pattern is based on Basic socks from Lion Brand with the design taken from Knitty's Thuja.
I think the design works really nicely with the striping yarn.

Didn't get much else done this weekend, but hey, its three-quarters of a sock in 24 hrs.

I'm impressed.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Note to Self

I think this should be made into this or possibly this - the first basket weave one

When recycling meets storage

My apartment has virtually no storage. I mean like none at all. So all my sewing/knitting projects end up in bins or boxes. This idea came out of the lack of boxes... and the fact I had some recycling to deal with :P

I needed a way to keep my quilt along blocks together

I took the cardboard box, and ripped out all but one of the divider parts. My finished blocks stand up nicely now, and they aren't in a box to be forgotten about dealt with later.
Leaving one of those little cardboard parts in there acts like a bookend, holding the blocks in place.
Its a little weird, but quite functional, so I call it a success.

Friday, May 15, 2009

So what have I been up to lately?

Finished these.

EEEEE!!! Sorry, but these were my first attempt at socks. And they fit! And are almost the same size (I'm hoping once they are blocked its gonna be okay.)

I told my mom she can't wear Christmas color socks in the summer. She completely ignored me on that one. I'm certain she will have them on as soon as they get mailed to her.

and the Purple thing is coming along... slowly

Each row is so long its taking me about 25 min to get across, one way. Oh well. I still love it.

And the Quilt along...progress. I left last weekend-which put me behind by 3 days. Then I kinda forgot about it- which put me behind another 3 days, OOPS!
So, I had to play some catchup...

Now I think I'm back on track.

So now its time to enjoy a pretty darn good evening.

Jones Soda, Jane Austen movies, and knitting... what could be better!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

been bad about posting updates.

stuff is geting worked on.

sleep now, updates later

Thursday, May 7, 2009



I'm leaving town tomorrow. Going home to see the family. Yay! What's less 'yay' is the packing, cleaning, and laundry that comes with leaving.

Of course all I want to do is work on this...

Its about half done on the binding.

And of course this...

This is Knitty's Ester. I love this so much. Its much darker in real life, almost black. My camera turned everything a funny color tonight :(

My sock is coming along pretty nice. I think I messed up the heel turn. There's way too many stitches. This will require much more brains than I have at this moment. It was going to be my Mom's Mother's Day gift...

Uhh yeah. I know, Christmas colored sock as Mother's Day gift? I made the mate to this a few years back. I didn't love how it turned out, so I forgot all about it. Then my mama found it and has hounded me to make the pair. Cause she's a fiend for cute socks. So better late than never?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

rough day, no news is good news... uh something like that

I dunno. tomorrow has to be better. OR ELSE!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Man I'm good!

Look at what I got done.

^oops got my foot in there too

aaaand now back to the hand sewing project. Yay?

Always late to the party

I signed up for AmandaJean's 9-patch quilt along ...only 8 days into it.

I better get to sewing!

If I get some blocks made, I'll be back...

Also - note to self - read instructions first! Trying to link - only took me WAY too long to figure that one out...

k, time to sew