Saturday, June 27, 2009

What did I do this Saturday?

Finished another hat. I liked this one so much, I made another one... this could be a problem :)

This one is the B-pattern, with several changes. I follwed the chart for the first one. And can't ever leave well enough alone, so this one was modified a bit. (link over here)

And there is a certain irony to making wool hats when its 102 degrees outside.

Started sewing the purple sweater together, only to realise I did it wrong. Ripping ensued. Once I get this posted, I'll give it another shot. If only so i can play with my new goodie...

Another "vintage" sewing machine. My mom found this one for me. I'll have to get the story again, cause there is one...I just can't remember it at the moment.

Ok, enough procrastination. Time to tackle those *%#! seams again

Friday, June 26, 2009

just cause its friday

Since its friday, and I got off work early, I took some pictures of my shiny new hat.

And by "some pictures" -- I mean like a dozen or more... and got 2 semi decent ones.

Yay, it fits!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Check it out. Finished hat. Quick recap on what this project taught me -

one -- I really like color work (I never saw that one coming)

two -- my gage is super tight, will need to go up a size next time. For real, it was everything I could do to get this baby on the plate. Yep, its stretching out on a plate to make it stay that way.

three -- weaving in ends under stranded knitting - so not fun! (pic later when the hat dries)

four -- I am in srs need of a vacation. see pic below for evidence.

I'm a dork. I know...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

photo drop 2.0

My wonderland quilt. Check it out. I'm about half through on the binding.
random candy pic, just b/c

photo drop

Purple sweater getting blocked. Woot! Now on to the sewing side seams.

and new project... its this hat pattern

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aaaaand another quilt done!

This has been hanging around far too long. All I lacked were the prairie points... yeah, not the most fun ever. But its done now, and turned out pretty cute.
Its going to be tie-quilted... so more hand work. I'm kind of on a kick with hand work lately.

Now, back to the Purple sweater... verrrrrry close to finished, any day now.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Here's my plan for this Saturday

Sew binding on my Wonderland quilt.

Also, I just learned that today is World Wide Knit In Public Day. Sadly there aren't any events near by. The closest one on the far side of Ft. Worth... bummer.

Plus, its like a bazillion degrees outside...

And for mom, here's the quilt I took to work.

And now for something completely different...

a Blog post with actual content!

Its a little blurry, but isn't pretty? Click here for a larger pic

Saturday, June 6, 2009


its been a while since I updated...

purple thang sweater is coming along. should have finished by next week *fingers crossed*

silk scarf is slooooooowly getting worked on.

Mostly I've been brewing up ideas for Christmas gifts. I know. But at the speed I'm going, its already too late! hahaha

been reading a lot... maybe tomorrow ill post some pics... or not :P